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4 Ways To Make Time for Self Care

Somewhere during the work-family-sleep juggling act we perform each day, we’ve probably all heard the advice to make more time for ourselves. #Selfcare has become one of this era’s most popular hashtags.

And right now, when we may be getting a bit more family time than we bargained for as many people are staying home to stay safe, we may be longing for some “me time.”

So we put ourselves on our own to-do lists, promising to set aside time to do things we enjoy. We make plans to meet friends for a socially distant walk, or even create a block of downtime for our favourite solo activities.

But how often does pencilling yourself in actually lead to self-care?

‘Me time’ can be a challenge

Following through on the “me time” in your schedule can be a struggle in the face of other obligations. A work deadline gets moved up, a family issue arises, and the hours you set aside for yourself move to the bottom of the list.

But it’s important not to let that happen. Scheduling time for yourself—and not feeling guilty about it—is key to overall well-being.

One way to make it more likely to happen is to start small. Even 15 minutes of dedicated downtime will give you a chance to catch your breath. It may not seem like a lot, but you can do a lot for yourself in 15 minutes. Here are four ways to carve out a small window of time for yourself.

Read a book

Read a chapter of a book

Whether it’s a self-help manifesto, a memoir by your latest celebrity crush or a novel that lets you escape to another world, sitting down for some dedicated reading focuses your mind on what you want to think about.

Enjoy your coffee

Relax with a cuppa

Step away from your desk, cluttered kitchen or work environment and enjoy your favourite tea, coffee or XS Energy Drink. Getting away from your to-do list is key to making it a true break from the daily grind.

Take a nap

Catch a catnap

There’s no better way to feel refreshed than taking a short nap when you feel like you’re slogging. And studies show it’s the opposite of being lazy: A short, mid-afternoon nap has been shown to boost your job performance, increase your alertness and put you in a better mood. (Just remember to set an alarm!)

Artistry Signature Select Mask Stack

Mini spa treatments

You can also give yourself a mini spa treatment right in the comfort of your own home. Many of the face masks on the market only need to stay on your skin for less than 10 minutes, including the five ARTISTRY SIGNATURE SELECT Masks. They are formulated to be rinsed off after 7 minutes to deliver instant results—the perfect little dose of me time to fit in your day!

And you can choose different skin treatments to focus on. Each ARTISTRY SIGNATURE SELECT Mask is designed to target a different skin concern. From firming to hydrating to exfoliating to brightening, you can select the mask or masks that your skin is craving.

“These masks treat more than just your face – they’re a party for your senses, too,” ARTISTRY Senior Brand Manager Marisa Grossnickle said.

“You can pick a creamy mask to deliver a burst of ingredients, an exfoliating one to renew your skin, or a clay mask to draw out impurities – the ARTISTRY SIGNATURE SELECT line has them all.”

So the next time you’re tempted to skip your self-care and push yourself to the bottom of your to-do list, remember it only takes a few minutes to recharge and put your best face forward.